I'm a very excited artist tonight because my three artworks - Chain Mail #1 #2 and #3 - have put me up there as a finalist in the Noosa Regional Gallery Travelling Scholarship 2011.
There are 39 other finalists from across the country, and we will be competing for a prize of several ks that is be to used for the purpose of undertaking travel and study to support career development.

It's a great honour and an enormous thrill just to be shortlisted - as this alone will include me in an exhibition with the other finalists in July to September at the Noosa Regional Gallery.

It is also telling me that I'm on the right track with this genre of work. I have also had a similar piece accepted for the Moreton Bay Regional Art Awards in May and I am in a joint exhibition with three other artists ( including Kim Schoenberger ... ) at Carringtons Gallery in Noosa also in May ... so it's quite an exciting time right now ...

You can view all my current work at www.kenmunsie.com ... I hope you enjoy ...
hey ken great news,...you can do wonders with a time away and study,..brill. all the best greg
CONGRATULATIONS Ken! I'm excited for you. It looks like being your year... and well deserved. Should be a chocolate reward in the offing.
CONGRATULATIONS ken....hope you get it ....I will be thinking of you with fingers cross love larian xxx
Congrads Ken, this must be your year, good luck with all the exibitions.
Well done Ken! Good luck...
K-well done - good to see that such creative work is recognised. May it lead to opportunities for you. B
Great Work. Congratulations. Jen
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