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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Flags for Peace


This year the International Day of Peace is on a Friday 21 September and special activities and celebrations will take place all across the globe over the 2012 Peace Day Weekend. Encouraged by Barry Fiona and Noela, I  have decided to run our own Maleny Peace Event  that will involve our local artists in an exciting and worthwhile project to mark this important day. 

 This idea is the original dream of our blogger friend Mary Jane Dodd in the US ... ... and her flags for peace project is aimed at uniting people from around the world in a mindful, cooperative and interactive way by sharing images of flags made and flown on 21 September.

So here's the idea - you make a set of prayer flags in whatever way speaks to you - metal, paper, fiber, anything you wish to use... then hang them somewhere on your property on or before 21/09... take a picture of them in situ  ... and send that image into me  ... the image will then be up-loaded onto  and also sent to Mary Jane for her to up-load onto her blog. Simple - and a very powerful message.

also ... we will be putting together a book featuring all the Maleny flags ... these books are compiled online ... we hope to get some funding to print enough of these books to present a copy to our libraries and to also have them available for purchasing at a pretty reasonable cost.

The main thrust of the project though is of course to get you - and your friends and your friend's friends involved in showing the world that Maleny cares about peace in these troubled times. So I ask you to please consider being part of this exciting project - and please feel free to pass this email onto others whom you think may also be interested ....

Please send me a message if you are interested ...

cheers - Ken


ersimarina said...

How wonderful that you decided to support Mary Jane's project creating a new centre for it! And publishing a book is such a great idea too, I wonder why nobody had thought of it before.

Fiona Dempster said...

Thanks for sharing and promoting Ken! Here is a link to the blog about the peace flag sis 136project where people are sharing what they make and their thoughts on peace...

Barry said...

K-thanks for getting this out there to other artists - wouldn't it be great to have a heap of COMA folk contributing to the peace ripples and marking this with an inspirational book of unique peace flags. Here's hoping. B